Latin Name:Erethizon dorsatumLocations Found:From Canada, throughout the western United States, and into northern Mexico.Characteristics:The North American Porcupine sports a coat of about 30,000 quills! Each quill is a hair coated in thick plates of keratin that are barbed at the tips, perfect for defense. Their brownish or yellowish coats help them blend into the woody habitats they call home.
Latin Name:Castor canadensisLocations Found:Across North America, from northern Mexico, throughout the United States, and into Canada.Characteristics:Beavers are known for their large, flat tails that slap the water in alarm, orange tooth enamel, webbed hind feet, and their ability to fell trees using nothing but their teeth!
Latin Name:Ursus americanusLocations Found:United States, Canada, northern Mexico; from the East Coast through to the West Coast, including AlaskaCharacteristics:Black bears have short, non-retractable claws that give them an excellent grip for climbing trees. They have large, rounded ears, and their eyesight and hearing are sharp. What's really interesting is their sense of smell, which is much better than a human's and helps them find food!
Latin Name:Odocoileus virginianusLocations Found:Throughout North America, from southern Canada to South America, including almost every U.S. stateCharacteristics:White-tailed deer are famous for the white underside of their tails, which they flash when sensing danger. They have powerful hind legs that allow them to leap distances of up to 30 feet and run very fast. In the fall, male deer (bucks) grow antlers to impress females (does) and spar with rivals. Their coats change color with the seasons, turning from reddish-brown in the summer to greyish-brown in the winter to blend into their surroundings better.
Latin Name:Vulpes vulpesLocations Found:Red foxes have a wide range, found across the entire Northern Hemisphere, from the Arctic Circle to North Africa, North America, and Eurasia.Characteristics:Red foxes are known for their vibrant red fur, which can range from a deep rusty red to a golden orange, and white fur on their chest and belly. They have pointed ears, elongated snouts, and long bushy tails with a distinctive white tip, which they use as a warm cover in cold weather. These foxes are incredibly adaptable, capable of surviving in a wide range of environments by changing their diet and behavior to suit the conditions. Their keen sense of hearing allows them to hear prey moving underground, and they use a unique hunting technique called ‘mousing,’ where they leap into the air and pounce to catch their prey.
Latin Name:Sylvilagus floridanusLocations Found:Cottontail rabbits are found in North and Central America, inhabiting areas from southern Canada to northern South America.Characteristics:The cottontail rabbit's most notable feature is its white, puffy tail, which resembles a cotton ball and gives the animal its name. With big brown eyes and long ears that can measure up to 7 cm (about 2.75 in), they have excellent hearing to detect predators. Their strong hind legs are designed for quick escape with leaps up to 3 meters (10 feet) long. Their fur changes color seasonally, providing better camouflage against the snow in winter and matching the earthy tones of the ground during summer. These rabbits are crepuscular, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk when the light is dim, allowing them to stay hidden from predators while foraging.
Latin Name:Taxidea taxusLocations Found:Canada, United States, Northern MexicoCharacteristics:The American badger has a broad, flat body with short, robust legs. The face is marked by distinctive black and white stripes, which continue across its stocky body, measuring about 60 to 75 cm in length. Its fur is predominantly grey with a unique, grizzled pattern due to the tips of the fur being lighter. Adapted for a burrowing lifestyle, it has long, sharp claws on its front paws and a keen sense of smell to detect prey underground. Its loose skin allows it to twist and turn within its own skin, helping it fight off predators and handle prey.
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