Shaggy Mane
Lawyer's Wig, Inky Cap
Coprinus comatus
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The Shaggy Mane mushroom is a fascinating and easily recognizable fungi due to its tall, cylindrical shape and the characteristic “shaggy” appearance of its cap. As it matures, the cap liquefies in a process called deliquescence, creating a scene that’s unique among mushrooms.
Shaggy Mane
Common Name
Shaggy Mane
Other Names
Lawyer’s Wig, Inky Cap
Latin Name
Coprinus comatus
Shaggy Mane mushrooms can be found across North America, Europe, and many other parts of the world, often in urban areas as well as forests.
The cap is white with scales that give it a “shaggy” appearance. As it matures, the edges of the cap begin to turn black and liquefy, producing an inky substance (hence the alternate name “Inky Cap”). The gills beneath the cap also turn black and liquefy.
Typically, the mushroom stands between 10-40 cm tall.
Found in grassy areas, roadsides, and meadows. They often appear in urban settings, such as lawns or parks.
Saprobic; it obtains nutrients from decomposing organic matter in the soil.
The Shaggy Mane reproduces through spores. These spores are released from the gills as they deliquesce, and when conditions are right, the spores will germinate and grow into new mushrooms. The entire lifecycle, from the emergence of the mushroom to its deliquescence, can occur in just a few days.
Defense Mechanisms
The rapid deliquescence can be considered a type of defense mechanism. By turning into an inky liquid, it prevents many animals from eating it. Also, like many fungi, it might contain compounds that are unpalatable or mildly toxic to some animals, though it’s edible for humans when young and before it starts to turn inky.
Ecological Importance
As a saprobic mushroom, the Shaggy Mane helps break down organic matter, contributing to soil health by recycling nutrients and aiding decompositionDecomposition is a natural process that happens when living things, like plants, animals, or other organic matter, break down into simpler substances. It is a part of the circle of life and plays an essential role in recycling nutrients back into the environment. Learn More processes.
ConservationThe act of protecting and preserving natural resources and the environment. Conservation efforts are important to protect beavers and their habitats. Status
Not of concern; it’s generally considered common in its habitats.

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