Blue Orchard Mason Bee
Orchard mason bee, orchard bee, mason bee
Osmia lignaria
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Meet the blue orchard mason bee, a fascinating and industrious pollinator that plays a vital role in our ecosystems. Unlike the more well-known honey bee, the blue orchard mason bee is a solitary creature, meaning each female is independent, taking on the roles of both builder and forager. These bees are known for their incredible efficiency as pollinators of early spring flowers, especially fruit trees like apples, cherries, and almonds. Found predominantly in North America, these bees have a unique way of building their nests, utilizing mud to construct individual cells within cavities they find in wood or hollow stems.
One of the most captivating facts about the blue orchard mason bee is its ability to carry pollen on the underside of its abdomen, unlike many bees that carry pollen on their hind legs. This allows them to collect and transfer pollen more effectively, making them superstar pollinators in the orchards. Their gentle nature and lack of a social colony structure mean they are less likely to sting, making them a favorite among gardeners and fruit growers.
Blue Orchard Mason Bee

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